August 4, 2013

The Oreo Effect

Nookie Cookies

The Oreo Effect: Why Sexual Fantasies Exist.

There comes a time in every person's life where the thought of sex comes into their mind. It invades silently like a parasite and begins to manifest and grow, nurtured by the ideas that constantly flow around the brain. This life cycle continues until the thought of sex turns into a web of desires; however we are the flies trapped within the net. The desire creeps up on us slowly like the hungry spider and devours us from the inside out until all that is left is a husk. From that desire comes sexual fantasies, a topic that is thoroughly discussed in the 21st century.

After studying rigorously for our weekly exams, some of my close friends and I found the time to have a little fireside chat regarding intercourse. In a mature manner, of course. During the conversation one of my friends, "Bill" posed the question if we would want our significant other to appear at our office during the day to get some "Afternoon Delight"? Tina, the female of the group, felt that it was morally wrong to disrupt the workspace in such a manner whereas I believed it was perfect acceptable and probably even slightly beneficial to the relationship. Either way the conversation eventually got to another facet of sexual fantasy, dubbed The Oreo Effect. My boy Bill explained to us that his greatest sexual related fantasy was to have a threesome with a dark-skin female and a light-skin female, thus creating a sandwich of dark and light, i.e. an Oreo. Totally bizarre but I went with it. Eventually we began to discuss our own fantasies and elaborate further upon the subject, while taking notes of what defines a sexual fantasy.
Whip Appeal

So I posed the question to myself asking what is a sexual fantasy and why do we have them? Is it because that sex is a natural part of life and we as humans want to explore life to the fullest OR do they represent the deepest aspects of our personality that we have yet to unveil? Sex is sex regardless of what the reason behind it is, the insertion of a man into a woman into any orifice is defined as sex in my book. So if sex is just sex then why do we feel the need to spice it up and create a "fantasy" out of reality? Is sex truly something so boring that we have to create false ideas in order to stimulate our brains to continue doing it? No, because sex feels good, and who would want to stop feeling good? But what is good can become great and that is where the fantasy portion comes into play.

As humans we are all naturally curious, like my friend the Cheshire cat, so just like anything else our curiosity controls how we view sex. Sure sex on a bed is great but what about taking away the satin sheets and placing a towel on the sandy beach underneath the full moon? It's quite romantic despite the sand finding its way into the "Cookie Jar". Or instead of having one partner why not add a second one and see how the scenario will change, hell while you're at it try getting a third one as well. Sex is sex, yes that is true but sex can also be a vessel for primal and passionate expression. Instead of using a blank page as a canvas, why not grab a naked body and construct your own Mona Lisa. Sex gives us the opportunity to be someone who is truly free while allowing another to witness us in our artistic or barbaric state. A mild-mannered biology student may turn into a ravenous He-Man once he unsheathes his Sword Of Power; whereas the intellectual girl studying Business can secretly be an actress for her audience of one in her fantasy. Sex is the only time that we bare it all, literally. It transforms us into who we really are underneath all the pressures of society, morals and ethics. Our wildest and horrifying dreams can come true due to sex, and the best part is that we aren't the only ones who are living out the carnal desires. The idea that manifested in our brain can also be found in the skull of our partner and billions of other people. Sex is contagious, and the world just so happens to be in a plague. The fantasy portion of sex keeps us interested not only in the act of sex but interested in ourselves as well. As we continue to delve into the inner layers of our cerebellum, we stumble upon new aspects and ideas that can be implemented in a sexual situation thus creating a new facet for our daily monotonous lives. It not only spices up the already steamy act but fantasies are the vacations from reality which we need on a regular basis. The reason the "Fiction" section exists is because our mind's constantly get tired of what is placed in front of us. Reality is the box for our brain. By exploring the fantasy, one can begin to break down the walls of Jericho that surround our brain and ultimately get one step closer to mental freedom. Sex isn't the key to freedom but it definitely can help you locate the door, and the occasional orgasm. (Find the G-Spot, fellas)

 Sex is a beautiful thing much like everything else in this world. It is misunderstood and sometimes mistaken for something wrong and inhumane. What we need to realize is that centuries ago before iPad's and Love and Hip Hop, sex was the casual past time. Greek and Roman dinner parties would usually end in orgies after the god Dionysos would inebriate the crowd. Nordic warriors would claim a woman as their prize after a successful battle, I bet you they didn't paint each others nails that night and discuss the gossip floating around Midgard. We need to stop dehumanizing sex, for it is one of the basic aspects of humanity; but seriously it's been around since fire and Joan Rivers birth. So next time someone criticizes you for having sex, just laugh on the inside and let them continue to rant. At least you know you got yours, right?
Life is full of Sex-xeS

Whatever your fantasy may be: diverse array of partners (animals included for those into beastiality), obscure locations (just not the Church or Graveyard, that is sick!), fetishes and the occasional BDSM, allow it to take ahold of your life when sex is a factor. Always remember to have a safe word (Mine's is Gruffaruffin).

~White Rabbit

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