September 30, 2013

Welcome to Marvin's Room

 Welcome To Marvin's Room: Drunk Texting 101

Cups of the Rose...Bitches in my ol phone...I should call one and go home...I've been in this club too looooong....

15 Hilarious Drake Memes
Check out Vibe's "10 Stages of Drake"
With "Nothing Was The Same" freshly blasting around the campus, I find that the feelings scale has been going off the charts. Social media is being overrun by Drake lyrics, "Drake the type of Dude" quotes and "Drake" memes. I'm not here to do a review on Drake's life however there is one thing that I would like to dibble dabble in and that is Drinking & Drakeing. This is a term that was coined by black twitter when "Take Care" dropped and everybody got together only to get their heartbroken and find ways to relate to the music. One track that definitely stuck out was of course..."Marvin's Room". It's a tale about looking for someone to take you in after a night of unsuccessful adventures and drinking. In order to accomplish this task however Drake must text someone in his phone to solidify the plans. This may be the most depressing shit ever, yet each and every one of us has found our way into Marvin's Room at least once, and if you deny it then you obviously pay the rent to this room. How do you get into Marvin's Room you may ask? It begins with a simple text...

The drunk text is the second most important form of communication for college students next to Snap Chat. It can be done by anybody and everybody who has had just one too many drinks. A simple task such as putting in your 4 digit password becomes a fight to the death between your fingers and the touch pad. After 6 shots of tequila and a couple cups of that red PJ you begin to feel the world swerve around you. The room spins and people who average a flat 6 find their way up to the 8 1/2 range on the attractiveness scale.

Fuck that niggaaaa that you love so baaad...I know you think abooout the times we haaad...And since you pick up I know he's not around oohhhhhh...

Time is a key factor in the drunk texting world, depending on when the message is sent will determine what the subject of debate will be.

11-12: Pre-Drunk Moves. 

Between the time of the initial pre-game and halfway through the club/bar most messages sent will consist of "What's the move?" or "I heard Cafe Beyond was gonna be popping tonight (R.I.P. to the Cafe)." These are mostly informal messages and can sometimes be sent in groupchats in order to get a consensus on the nightly shenanigans. These texts are about as exciting as a staring contest between Willow Smith and her alter ego, the sloth meme.

1:30-2: Food/Post-Club/After Party moves.

 So the club is coming somewhat to a close and it's now time to make sure that when the lights come on:
1. You're not caught twerking with some busted broad or dude.
2. You close out your tab, lest you wake up with a hangover AND a hurt wallet.
3. What the hell you're about to get into next.
Nobody wants to end their evening after listening to "What's yo Zodiac sign?" being yelled at least forty times, so you try and set up the next plan of action. At this stage words may start to make less sense and the autocorrect button will come in handy! Seriously AUTOCORRECT SAVES LIVES. However autocorrect may not save you from texting the wrong person the wrong thing. Before sending that "Waffle House flows" text, check to make sure it's addressed to the right homie or else... If you're not interested in food then start working on inviting some people back to the crib and enjoy their drunk. Post-Club moves can either be platonic or a thirst trap contingent upon the lighting, hoes to bros ratio, and amount of alcohol left. The Post-Club move will usually serve as a mini-recap of the night.


Relatively self-explanatory statement. Some notable examples include "Tryna fuck?", "I got my Netflix account, you wanna come watch a movie?", "You comin over or nah?", "Meet me out back behind Rams in 10" "I left my keys at home, mind if I stay over?" "I just wanna cuddle, nothing serious" "I'm too drunk, I'll just crash here." So on and so forth.  All of these messages are SOS signals to the Thirst Patrol, it's time for the magic to be made. Flourish. But just come prepared with a strap because nobody wants to be caught without latex...or get that I' think I'm late text...or however Lil Gremlin Wayne rapped it.

4-7: Venting Sessions.

I'm going to assume that for at least 30 minutes per night there is a complete blank space in your memory bank. That time is usually after a failed attempt at getting some ass for the night. Blue balls will bring you into the next stage which is the venting session. Now here is where artist like Drake, The Weeknd, Johnny Rain,  PartyNextDoor, Tory Lanez, or any lightskin dude from Canada with a broken heart and substance abuse problem come in handy. You start reaching out to anybody in your last 10 conversations and hit em with that "Still up?" text. You start with your #Bae and slide your way down the scale to the #LastResortShawty. You even put emphasis by adding the correct capitalization and punctuation, so you know it's real. Once you find someone who responds with that "Yeah, whats up" that's when the flood gates open. Crank up your stereo and begin to cry about the time your third grade crush made the basket before you did when you were playing knockout at the YMCA, so you blame your lack of hoop dreams on her. These are those times when the person on the receiving end needs to just listen and screenshot these in order to aid the other individual. However don't get too caught up in this zone for too long lest you'll end up dropping "L" bombs all over the place like a WWII German Raid. All hell breaks loose if you're talking to an ol squeeze and you release the Krakken AKA "I miss you..." text. I'm not about to sit here and debate this but hot damn when that happens you might as well turn your phone on airplane mode and go the fuck to sleep. This text has so much blackmailing power. The receiver of this text can essentially become the Edward Snowden to your NSA, and put you on blast.

I was just callin cuz they were just to me please don't have much to believe in...I need you right now are you down to listen to me...too many drinks have been given to me

Recently, I've found myself becoming a local to the spot...sipping a cold glass of E&J XO while writing blog posts. Drunk texting is something we all do, it's a mildly safe practice that should only be used when necessary. The content of this blog also applies to tweets, phone calls, videos, and instagram pictures. Young cats, realize that this world ain't private so posting all of your drunk endeavors on social media will be tragic. Let's be real, we all know that there are plenty of pictures that were taken at an inebriated moment floating around in some Group Me somewhere. #NeverForget. This post was dedicated to your future Drinking & Drakeing endeavors, for cuffing season is still not around thanks to the release of GTAV! Fellas thank Rockstar. Oh yeah and best two tracks on the album, "Too Much" & "Pound Cake" (and not only because Hov was on the track).

"Piano Outro"

~White Rabbit

September 28, 2013

Random Movie Review: "Shame"

Random Movie Review: “Shame"

-We’re not bad people.
We just come from a bad place.

Today I’m dissecting a movie that did not receive much attention or credit in the U.S. but across the big blue lake (Atlantic Ocean) it became a hit. “Shame" is the title of this 2011 British movie starring our favorite android “David from Prometheus"- Michael Fassbender and the lovely “Ms. Daisy Buchanan"- Carey Mulligan. “Shame" was directed by Steve McQueen. “Shame" won Best Director/Best Screenplay/Best Independent Actor x4/Best Supporting Actress among other nominations and awards.  It is a movie full of intensity, lust and sex, empty feelings and of course, shame. Rated R, NC-17 for nudity (penises included), language, and drug use. 

Fassbender portrays “Brandon" a clean cut, and cultured New York business man with a terrible secret; Brandon is a sex addict. When I use that term I mean it to the fullest degree, just from the opening scene the viewer can tell his desire for sexual release is exponential.It's not how we say "Oh I love sex...I can't get enough", his sexual activity is toxic slowly infecting his life. Regardless Brandon is a firm believer in immediate gratification, not searching for any long term pleasure or commitment.  He is a true addict, until his sister “Sissy" comes to move in for awhile. She’s got plenty of issues on her plate as well, which makes one wonder what their childhood was like. Instead of using sex as her ploy she develops other coping mechanisms that include a human wrist and razors. The overall theme of the movie is the search for feeling…human. Looking back at the title, and how many of the things we do we live with the shame or hide from it. The main characters are detached from the norms of society and yet they live and thrive as any average citizen in the public eye. What amazed me is how even though each of them know that there is something seriously wrong with them, neither of them pretend to want to change it. They Just Accept It.

Fassbender does an amazing job at playing “Brandon", truly a one-of-a-kind performance. What set him apart from conventional actors was the use of his eyes; ranging from cold, merciless and lusty stares to saddened and hollow tears of regret. The eye contact is key. Each sexual act that Brandon is involved in gets seemingly more intense dramatic and gratifying. His character possesses a sociopathic behavior; charming and selfish with a complete disconnect from normal society. From rage-filled  outburst at Sissy to blatant lying in his boss’s face Brandon has no heart. The only aspect of emotion we are shown is his date/rendzeveous with his co-worker. The atmosphere of the movie is gray and mellow to mimic the seriousness and depravity of the characters. The most powerful scene is the opening act, where we find Fassbender scoping the subway car until he locks eyes with an attractive woman. What starts out as playful eye contact eventually turns sour and we realize that Brandon isn't all that sane in the head. His stare (referring to the use of his eyes) transforms into a lustful gaze and even gets to the point where the woman is uncomfortable. What makes it even worse is that he stares at the ring on her finger, (she's married) for a few minutes then continues to stare even after noticing she had a spouse. It was gripping but horrifying, he exemplified how low on the morality scale humanity can truly sit.  The soundtrack is impeccable as well, the main theme “Unraveling" played at the climax of the scene, draws out the hollow and almost sadistic nature of Brandon. Steve McQueen did an excellent job of tying up the movie and showing the character development, or lack thereof, from beginning to end. The conclusion leaves one thinking…did anything really change? Can they put their shame to rest and live normal lives? Or will he continue to hunger for immediate gratification

"Unraveling" - Hans Zimmerman

~White Rabbit

September 20, 2013

We Are All Vaginas

We Are All Vaginas: Lost Art Of Conversation

Mind if I penetrate you?
We all know what a vagina is right? That talk we had in 6th grade about the birds and the bees made absolutely no sense until that day in 8th grade where we found ourselves getting touched by our crush  outside of the school gym. It was a different experience, and damn sure one we were not prepared for. A vagina is the female genitalia, it's the spot where they urinate, a child comes from, and more importantly where a penis finds it's home at. Yes that's right, the vagina is the place where the penis belongs in about 25% of the time. As my title states we are all vagina's that are essentially ready to be penetrated by the mental penises of others. And the only way for us to be erect dicks is to practice the lost art of conversation. Yes, a very much lost art. Conversation is something that we have sacrificed in order to survive and thrive in this 21st century. Please excuse the rash and inappropriate title and metaphor, I swear the post gets way more serious.

This week I have been hit with a flurry of examples as to what conversation is and for your pleasure I'm going to reveal what it is that makes up a real conversation. I feel as though the conversations are something that we have all experienced in at least once in our lives. There are so many different types but at the root of every conversation is penetration (hey that rhymes). It's just like my example, we are constantly being penetrated by others in their grand pursuit of knowledge. It's only human to be curious and as we wander through the twisted tales of others we get lost in translation, sometimes literally. Some of our conversations may consist of being casually tested on what religious background we have, whereas others may consist of how many beers two guys can down together before one passes out. Just think to the different conversations you have stumbled upon this week and realize that although each subject may be very different there are some foundational parts that remain similar in all types of chat:

1. An interesting subject is always necessary (lest you get bored and tune out).
2. How you say shit is sometimes more than shit you say.
I can't stress number three enough for the fact that most of us don't know the difference between hearing someone and listening to them. Just because you can recite what someone said to you doesn't mean you listened. In order to effectively listen you must understand number 1 and 2, and why someone would want to give you this information. Once it's your to hold, then you must take it a part and analyze it. Think of it as an anatomical frog practical that you took back in gross anatomy. It's essentially picking apart the  pieces you want and leaving the rest of the carcass to sit in the cold lockers of our mind. It's more than just the conversation that keeps the cogs of life turning, it's what you take away from the person offering words.

For example: Hey bro! Gotta tell you about last night and how the bartender kept winking at me. She was totally flirting with me and even gave me a free drink. So in return I looked over at her said, If I was a horror movie serial killer I'd wait to kill you at the end.
1. His friend being interested in the bar tender, and using a cheap pick up line.
2. Excited to tell his amigos about the scenario
3. What he wants you to understand is that he stepped outside of his normal zone to try and catch a W for the night...or at least a free drink.

The one of the biggest problems in our generation is the desensitization of our conversational/personal skills. We live in a world where one can get gratification by looking at a black midget four thousand miles away riding a donkey singing the Sri Lankan national anthem on a webcam. Yeah that's really weird I know but you get the idea. No? Okay let's try this instead. We live in a world where one persons text chat screen can be screen captured and sent to a group in order for them to laugh. As much as technology has made our lives easier, it has sucked away from some of the most necessary things we need, I.e. conversation. ( This is like my fifth rant on technology, yet I have a blog). Either way I think we should all realize that there is a world outside of the texts, emojis, and twitter feeds. I eluded to this in my social media rant but our E-language is one of the key reasons why the English language is dying. We're simplifying words that don't need to be shortened. "Alright" went to "iight", "okay" to "kk" and "yes" to "yeah". This literally sounds like some Lil Jon lyrics (his real name is Johnathan Mortimer Smith btw, and he was a valedictorian).  It sucks when words like ferrous and dubious exist which just sound cool as hell to say.  It's trashy and now we also no longer know how to  look people in the eye during conversations, shake their hands with a firm grasp. THESE SKILLS ARE TOO DAMN IMPORTANT. When we enter the real world, social connections and interactions usually happen at a local dive bar. If you don't know the proper Alcohol-to-Articulation skills then you're probably going to get wasted at 3:17 PM while getting lunch with co-workers. Another thing we have to learn is how to casually drink...which is a post coming later on. (duhn, duhn, duuuuhn)

All in all don't be a limp dick and not know how to engage others in conversation. It's okay to be awkward and introverted, however when posed to engage in a conversation, think of it as a duel. The loser gets stabbed in the chest and their dignity stolen.  It's necessary for the survival of the human race essentially. Without proper lingo skills you will never get a job, get a boo-thang, or hell even get anywhere. If you can't talk to people prepare to live in a small one-story house with no stairs, twelve cats who secretly plot your death and the only time someone touches you is when a greeter at the local Wal-Mart shakes your hand.'s that serious. I love the term that we are all vaginas because it's such a scientific and slightly disgusting word that we rarely use it. With terms like "pussy" "snatch" "pink taco" and my favorite "cunt" its easy to forget the questionable beauty that is found in saying va-jii-nah! So continue to be a flowing vagina and whenever someone comes prepared to penetrate you with their thoughts, use protection lest you end up full of unnecessary feelings.
The art of conversation

~white rabbit

September 10, 2013

Pornstars Don't Wear Boxers

Porn Stars Don't Wear Boxers: Perfecting Your Art/Craft/Skills

I won't like I love watching porn. It's an art to me, some people may love to work stocks and investments, others like to get put in the doggy style position and have their life blown out of their back. Porn may be the best thing that happened to the world. It's been around since our neanderthal days when we were searching for mammoths and experimenting with various herbs and mushrooms during the prediluvian era. Our Egyptian brothers had plenty of hieroglyphics and drawings that depicted home girls getting rocked by some Sphinx statues and dog headed humans. All these prove that sex is the most consistent thing on this planet. But however once again I am not here to appease your erotic mind with thoughts of sex and making love, if you want that then read a Zane book. What I wish to discuss today is the importance of perfecting the crafts or skills that you possess.
Classic grinding stone, a tool used to sharpen weapons. 

The reason that porn stars do not wear boxers is because they found out that it was relatively unnecessary for their profession. Who wants to be shooting a flick with good ol Jynx Maze and have to fumble with pulling down their shorts or briefs? UH NOT I.  Actors like James Deen and Brian Pumper figured that these undergarments were hindering their ability to produce orgasms as well as successful videos. So what I'm trying to take away from this terribly horrible analogy is that we need to focus on what our passion is in life and then work at it. Once we find that shit, take it and let it burn like Usher. It's important to do this and even though it sounds cliche as ever, there are truths in cliches. In the 21st century college scene we get so caught up in doing things that we need to do rather than we want to. When is the last time you skipped class just to hang out and draw a picture of the landscape? We need to push away the things that hinder us and sharpen our mental tools to be the best person we can strive to be. Realize though that we will not be the best to ever do it or does it. We just have to be the best in our minds.

Hello Jynx

"Lemme tickle yo' tonsils right quick"
It's imperative to constantly expose ourselves to our craft in order to perfect it. There is no such thing as perfection but it does exist in our minds. Work towards that goal using your blood sweat and tears and the aid from those close to you. If you like to write then why don't you write any chance you have to get better. Take your works and publish them, send them into the grammar police and let them tear your shit apart, or just keep writing over and over again until you get better. If your life's calling is to clean the zoo cages of Koalas then by golly you better scoop away all the feces and feed the eucalyptus trees water. I'm not here to judge and tell what is your ultimate goal in life because 1. that's BS and 2. I still haven't figured mines out. Hell this blogging stuff may just be phase and I may stop after this post butttt...I doubt that. Either way I am constantly exposing myself to this art or craft to see if it's truly the path my life needs to follow. However the craft I know I have perfected is my skills in dentistry. Everyday I am working and practicing in order to become the best dentist I can possibly be. Instead of smashing without boxers on, I will be cleaning and pulling teeth in five minutes flat.

Look in the mirror and give yourself three faces, a funny one, a sad one and a random one. Look at each of those faces and set an emotion to each of them. Ask yourself every time you see that face how do you feel your current status in life?  Look at the next one and say have I figured out what it is I want to truly do with my life? For the final one connect this one to saying I have figured out what it is I want but now I need to hone my skills. I know that made absolutely no sense but then again, majority of this post didn't either. I just wanted a reason to use the title "Porn Stars Don't Wear Boxers." Honestly I have wondered this shit for the last few years, and I just made up this connection between perfecting crafts and porn stars going commando. Hope you're not disappointed.  But if there is something I can leave you with that is realistic is that determination is the forge of your craft. 

~White Rabbit

September 7, 2013

Cicatrix - A Memoir to Faith

Cicatrix- the healing of a wound, a scar.

They told me to have faith, I looked back at them with sickly eyes and said I have no more, but I lied. You began as an initial infection, small particles of you were absorbed by me and entered my superficial layers the day we spoke outside of Spencer. The transmission of your heavenly words caused all of my prayers to be collected like spare change in softened sofas. However now despair sunk in deeper into the woven waves of my skin and dodged all my battle ready blood cells. You see, I believed she was immune, her impervious shape was blessed by the natives of the land, she was the first of the Americans. Her name was stitched in every leather bound bible found next to words like love, hope and joy. I think it’s Matthew 17:21. However my body bared these no more for my heart was surgically sliced away by the somber news I heard that day. Your antigenic absence committed me to produce non-specific responses when asked about the times we had together or do you miss her. The incision caused by your exit hurt at first, I felt the pressure and pain from never hearing you say my name in that sweet southern accent again. A haliwa sa what? Oh wasaponi it was humorous how you revealed your tribal tendons, bridging the gap between these bony bodies. My prescription proved to be useless, I can’t cure this strain of sadness that was injected inside the intercostal spaces of my chest. We shared so many memories and moments like two junkies exchanging needles, needless to say I tested positive for friendship. I will try and treat it at best. I had constant feverish attempts to bring back moments long forgotten like the Roanoke colony, it’s ironic because in seven weeks alone you colonized our lives with that infectious smile, your vial particles reproduced feelings of family in these cells, until God grabbed his scissors to cut the umbilical cord that bridged you to our beating bodies.  Maybe I should carry around a mustard seed and see if that somehow sprouts out to reveal your blossoming face again. Before the day came we would sing songs about senior year and summer times, too bad our rhymes now have fallen through the gap junctions that once connected two hosts. My last relic is a gold poster that bears a heart crafted by the hands of a newly winged angel. Those leaky blood vessels that once bore my hopelessness were cauterized when I remember conversing with you outside of the classrooms in the summer heat.  It’s been almost a year now and I have not fully doused this chronic inflammation that has become a fire starting in my soul. I know that I am not the only one, see there is a waiting room full of patients who are patiently waiting for the day we can gaze upon your starry eyes. And although your case has yet to be solved, I feel somewhat absolved by the hands of the Lord, as he loosens up the tangled tissues that were once transfixed on your tender touch. As my lungs collapse I relapse back to the days we shared laps on the P2P. A point to point proved pointless now that your destination can be found somewhere between dusk and dawn. And now I stand here to proclaim these feelings like the final scene from "The Notebook". I’m glad I partook in your medical process, because now I possess the power to heal my wounds. I was once diagnosed with depression due to the dying of a friend but thanks to your transplanted teachings I can live knowing you are always with me. And even though my prideful rock still bears the scar I will always remember the days we all had Faith.
Just Have Faith

~White Rabbit


September 2, 2013

Fuckin With Chucks On

Fucking With Chucks On: Opportune Moments 

Don't use Durex please.  Lest you want a child.
Disclaimer: I' am so toast by now that I have no clue what I'm writing. Just bear with me. Live it up no matter where you are from. Dont' let somebody hold you back. #CrashChronicles

Every once in awhile life throws you a curveball. The curveball may be a change in major that you had not planned or the job opportunity that you didn't expect to happen. Or maybe the curveball may be some fantastic and quick sex that neither person saw coming. I know all my followers who have partaken in the physical act of sex can agree that sometimes we get so swept up in the moment that it no longer matters what clothes are worn. There are times when you get so horny that you can't even take off your converse all-stars, the shoes of the average american hero. Chuck taylors and curvy tits are quite a combo that I believe everybody should partake in at least once in their lives. Make it a grudge match between two feral beasts and see who can tear away at clothes the fastest in the parking lot behind the neighborhood pool. Get downright disgusting with it if you fancy. Make it a fantasy. (Disclaimer Read my post about sexual fantasies at --> The Oreo Effect ) But more importantly aside from sex I think that life is mostly about taking opportunities that are granted at a moments notice.

We all know what YOLO means thanks to Aub's but what if I told you that was a lie? YOLO is a facade that us Gen-Y cats use to lie about issues and mistakes we make on the regular basis. YOLO doesn't always have to be about drinking, party or making unconscious decisions about what fast food restaurants you should order from at 12:27 in the morning. YOLO in the right context can improve your life if you didn't know. YOLOing to speak at an open mic session can help you realize that poetry is your calling or you can YOLO and steal coasters from the local bar. Either way YOLO will take you far if used in he right context, don't get so caught in the idea that since it's only one life I have to do it all and to the extreme. FALSE. We need to realize that life is more than the 18-22 years of life we have experienced thus far, life goes to 60+ in certain cases. Don't you want to see your grand-childrens face when you are wrinkled and dry? Or know the joy of being a parent for the first time? How about achieving the ranks of one of the top oral surgeons in the nation? (A little bit about my goals for life) These are the things we do not think about when we are "YOLOing" away shots at the bar or smoking the bowls to pack out our mind. Also YOLO has been around for ages it just went by a different term.  Carpe Diem is the most overused phrase ever and I slightly despise our generation for slandering such a beautiful thing. I remember watching "Dead Poets Society" (A Great Movie!) and marveling at the term, then in high school I took Latin and heard about carpe diem before I lost my virginity. Needless to say it definitely aroused more than thoughts. However in my opinion Carpe reminds me of the carpal bones within our wrist and diem is the day. Instead of trying to seize the day, open your hands up to the sky and allow the moments to float into your palms like butterflies. Only catch the ones that come your way.

Opportunities are like sunsets, they come around every day
 but we rarely take the time to notice them. 
Just like we sometimes get caught without a condom before sex, we are often times unprepared for what life is introducing next. We need to realize that no matter what there is no such thing as 100% preparation. Thats bullshit. We can be prepared but we will never be fully ready for anything. And sometimes that anything can come at anytime too. Don't be the person who misses out on everything because you're too afraid of stepping outside the box. The box is there for a reason, and that is to be opened. Boxes only carry things for an extended period of time, but it's key for the object to be shipped safely. However once the box reaches it's destination it's time to open it up! So realize that when you are staying in the box, all you are doing is eliminating the sunshine a day longer. We need to step outside of the lines every once in awhile to realize what lies on the other side of the tracks. Often times we are only looking at life from one point of view and that doesn't take us too far. Exploring and being curious are the two things that when accompanied with YOLO will take an individual far. Be curious like the cat, lest you live your life looking at the same four walls over and over again.

The White Rabbit risking his tail,
to listen to the pit preachers tale. 
Now as I say all this I think MJ once said "you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take" and the same thing applies to opportunities. If you're a studious little mouse and don't want to go out every weekend that is perfectly fine. However if you haven't stepped foot outside of your room in a week due to fear of civilization then EAD (For reference: Eat A Dick). Like I said in the earlier paragraph living for the moment doesn't always have to be destructive, it can very well change your ships direction. But don't go through life turning down every offer that is presented to you. It's seriously stupid and you'll probably end up alone on your death bed with holes in your hospital pants. You've got to take risks and reap the rewards. If people say they want to live life without regrets then do shit! The biggest regret anybody can have is not doing anything at all. It's true that there is fear in the unknown but I'm more afraid of living knowing that there is more out there and not finding it. All the great minds we look up to and aspire to be were once in our Chuck Taylors, that is they were in our shoes. What made these people different from the average common boring man was the desire to develop. I live by the quote that inspiration is infectious. If you find individuals who will press your life and put choices on the table then you will respond by choosing. Realize though that even bad choices are good in the end, they help you understand why certain things do not work or when not to use a semi-racist joke at a dinner table.

Infectiously Inspiring.  

~White Rabbit