August 12, 2013

Pissing In The Dark

Pissing In The Dark: The Importance of Faith in our Lives

And we know what life without wi-fi is like. #FirstWorldProblems
All my fellas can relate to me on this one. You wake up around 4:30ish in the morning from either a long night out drinking with your mates/brohams/homies or from a stressful day dealing with the bullshit of people. You struggle to fall back to sleep because your bladder baby is kicking harder than Lionel Messi on a PK overtime. As you contemplate the next move you inadvertently climb out of bed and hobble to the toilet. However you don't turn on any lights for fear of causing your body to wake up, thus rendering sleep impossible again. You find your feet on the linolium tiles and wander into the bathroom, lights still off. Pull out your dick and begin to piss in a dark corridor; yet you know that you're hitting the spot due to the sound of urine reacting with water. We occasionally may hit the bowl but then quickly divert back to the target. After releasing your bodily fluids you wipe up the mistakes, flush the toilet (skip the hand washing because water wakes you up and your hand is dead from laying on it) and fall back asleep. Somehow we managed to make it to the restroom in complete darkness and find our target without making a mess, so what is it that grants us that ability. As crazy as it sounds, that is faith.

A scene from my father's favorite movie "A Miracle On 34th Street" 

Faith is another one of those abstract ideals that we were taught in elementary school along with sharing is caring and you can't show others your private parts in public. We all know what faith is and can recite even the Bible verse related to it but somehow faith seems to evade our monotonous day to day living. How can something so deeply ingrained into our lives be so absent from our consciousness? I'll tell you, because we are all stupid fucks. I hate to be rude (no I don't) but we are stupid humans who think that everything in life revolves around our "ever so thoughtful" decision making and understanding. Newsflash. We can't even control  something so insignificant like goosebumps so how the hell do we think we can control our own life and destiny? We can't and that is where faith comes into play. Those who don't believe this to be true can go back in their Pokeball. It's having that complete trust or confidence in something or someone  that keeps us perpetually, moving forward( Definition of faith according to my bros Merriam and Webbiester). It doesn't matter how much preparation you put into a project, person or idea; after you have prepared it's time to perform. You can't perform until the time comes so what do you do between then? I'm going to assume either a. be consumed by anxiety and negative feelings or b. have some faith. Faith is the opposite end of the magnet known as reason.

Leap Of Faith
Now having some faith doesn't mean that you can YOLO your life away (like I did with exams last semester). It takes some personal preparation in order for faith to work in your favor. Starts with believing. To those who live their lives by winging everything, good for you but sometime sooner or later that shit will run out and you're stuck with nothing; on the other hand those people who have to plan out everything...well no  matter how much planning you do it won't always go according to plan. Unless of course you're Fred from Scooby-Doo and every scheme you set results in success. But I don't think any of you are into soul-less gingers with horrible fashion sense and wear orange ascots year-round. If you are...please go to the nearest gas station and order the sushi to clear out all the bullshit in your system. We have to have some degree of faith in order to make it in life, whether that be faith in things to come, people or even ourselves. Last time I checked none of you own a crystal ball, foresight powers due to virginity or own a Delorean so predicting the future is basically pointless. But when it comes to the future you have to have something that will calm your fears and allow you to rest easy knowing that it will work out. That's what faith is, its the knowing that something will work out so long as you let it run its course. Sometimes that can include waiting for whatever to happen, others includes acting immediately without weighing the options but either way the scale tips you have to have faith in the equation. Some Most of the time faith does work in our favor but the minute something doesn't go our way we think that the world is cruel and unforgiving like a college CHEM 101 professor. Well that is true but that's why we have faith to serve as our TA, to help smooth out the difficult problems and explain the elements we constantly run across in our lecture called life. But we don't always accept the assistance of our TA's now do we? Especially if they don't seem to always be around.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." - Lord Darth Vader 
(Totally Love Star Wars)
 What I'm trying to say is that our generation has slowly killed off what it means to have faith. We have success stories of "one hit wonders" and "overnight successes" but that 0.0001 percent of the population. The other 99.9999 percent didn't wake up and say "after my morning glory and coffee I'll become successful/famous." Those 0.0001 percent also end up looking like Trinny James at the BET Awards or Honey Boo-Boo Child after her "special juices", a HOT FUCKING MESS THAT NEED'S TO BE TRANQUILIZED. We believe that we are entitled to every opportunity that falls in our lap the same way that ones fall into the lap of skrippas. Turns out that isn't the case, unless you bare a little bit of yourself first.  Nobody owes us anything and we think that we that we obtain something through our own personal skill and abilities. Abstract ideas like faith, happiness and imagination are as relevant as Iota's on Meet the Greeks in our generation. The American Dream is the biggest facade next to the Amish Mafia but yet it still gives us some sense of identity. Through hard work and determination you can make something of yourself but there is still so much more left in order to reach the real dream. I'm personally having a hard time understanding how we (myself included) can live faithless lives and still manage to think everything is cool. Has it become so obsolete that we no longer value it, or did we kill it off when we started to "grow up" and "mature"? Are these words the assassins behind the murders of our childhood ideals or did we pull the trigger ourselves? As long as we breathe and make conscious decisions we need to find ways to re-incorporate faith back into our maturation progress. I'm just as young, foolish and naive as Miley Cyrus' fans but one thing I will hold onto is my mustard seed. The mustard seed known as faith. Because I know I will be pissing with my eyes closed come the morning.
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." - Matthew 17:20

~White Rabbit

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