Fucking With Chucks On: Opportune Moments
Don't use Durex please. Lest you want a child. |
Disclaimer: I' am so toast by now that I have no clue what I'm writing. Just bear with me. Live it up no matter where you are from. Dont' let somebody hold you back. #CrashChronicles
Every once in awhile life throws you a curveball. The curveball may be a change in major that you had not planned or the job opportunity that you didn't expect to happen. Or maybe the curveball may be some fantastic and quick sex that neither person saw coming. I know all my followers who have partaken in the physical act of sex can agree that sometimes we get so swept up in the moment that it no longer matters what clothes are worn. There are times when you get so horny that you can't even take off your converse all-stars, the shoes of the average american hero. Chuck taylors and curvy tits are quite a combo that I believe everybody should partake in at least once in their lives. Make it a grudge match between two feral beasts and see who can tear away at clothes the fastest in the parking lot behind the neighborhood pool. Get downright disgusting with it if you fancy. Make it a fantasy. (Disclaimer Read my post about sexual fantasies at -->
The Oreo Effect ) But more importantly aside from sex I think that life is mostly about taking opportunities that are granted at a moments notice.

We all know what YOLO means thanks to Aub's but what if I told you that was a lie? YOLO is a facade that us Gen-Y cats use to lie about issues and mistakes we make on the regular basis. YOLO doesn't always have to be about drinking, party or making unconscious decisions about what fast food restaurants you should order from at 12:27 in the morning. YOLO in the right context can improve your life if you didn't know. YOLOing to speak at an open mic session can help you realize that poetry is your calling or you can YOLO and steal coasters from the local bar. Either way YOLO will take you far if used in he right context, don't get so caught in the idea that since it's only one life I have to do it all and to the extreme. FALSE. We need to realize that life is more than the 18-22 years of life we have experienced thus far, life goes to 60+ in certain cases. Don't you want to see your grand-childrens face when you are wrinkled and dry? Or know the joy of being a parent for the first time? How about achieving the ranks of one of the top oral surgeons in the nation? (A little bit about my goals for life) These are the things we do not think about when we are "YOLOing" away shots at the bar or smoking the bowls to pack out our mind. Also YOLO has been around for ages it just went by a different term.
Carpe Diem is the most overused phrase ever and I slightly despise our generation for slandering such a beautiful thing. I remember watching "Dead Poets Society" (A Great Movie!) and marveling at the term, then in high school I took Latin and heard about carpe diem before I lost my virginity. Needless to say it definitely aroused more than thoughts. However in my opinion Carpe reminds me of the carpal bones within our wrist and diem is the day. Instead of trying to seize the day, open your hands up to the sky and allow the moments to float into your palms like butterflies. Only catch the ones that come your way.
Opportunities are like sunsets, they come around every day but we rarely take the time to notice them. |
Just like we sometimes get caught without a condom before sex, we are often times unprepared for what life is introducing next. We need to realize that no matter what
there is no such thing as 100% preparation. Thats bullshit. We can be prepared but we will never be fully ready for anything. And sometimes that anything can come at anytime too. Don't be the person who misses out on everything because you're too afraid of stepping outside the box. The box is there for a reason, and that is to be opened. Boxes only carry things for an extended period of time, but it's key for the object to be shipped safely. However once the box reaches it's destination it's time to open it up! So realize that when you are staying in the box, all you are doing is eliminating the sunshine a day longer. We need to step outside of the lines every once in awhile to realize what lies on the other side of the tracks. Often times we are only looking at life from one point of view and that doesn't take us too far. Exploring and being curious are the two things that when accompanied with YOLO will take an individual far. Be curious like the cat, lest you live your life looking at the same four walls over and over again.
The White Rabbit risking his tail, to listen to the pit preachers tale. |
Now as I say all this I think MJ once said "you miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take" and the same thing applies to opportunities. If you're a studious little mouse and don't want to go out every weekend that is perfectly fine. However if you haven't stepped foot outside of your room in a week due to fear of civilization then EAD (For reference: Eat A Dick). Like I said in the earlier paragraph living for the moment doesn't always have to be destructive, it can very well change your ships direction. But don't go through life turning down every offer that is presented to you. It's seriously stupid and you'll probably end up alone on your death bed with holes in your hospital pants. You've got to take risks and reap the rewards. If people say they want to live life without regrets then do shit!
The biggest regret anybody can have is not doing anything at all. It's true that there is fear in the unknown but I'm more afraid of living knowing that there is more out there and not finding it. All the great minds we look up to and aspire to be were once in our Chuck Taylors, that is they were in our shoes. What made these people different from the average common boring man was the
desire to develop. I live by the quote that inspiration is infectious. If you find individuals who will press your life and put choices on the table then you will respond by choosing. Realize though that even bad choices are good in the end, they help you understand why certain things do not work or when not to use a semi-racist joke at a dinner table.
Infectiously Inspiring. |
~White Rabbit
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